We are manufacturers of sauces and dressings in Colombia.

We work to deliver a high quality product that is complemented with the development of recipes for the Food Service sector to satisfy the taste needs of your customers, also helping in the internal operation of your business with the cost optimisation, compliance, supply and experience in the sector that has characterised us for more than 40 years.
Committed to customer satisfaction
Domestic industry
More than 40 years of experience in the institutional sector
We deliver solutions with flavour
Fair price
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Select the option that fits your needs / Maquila: Own brand packaging with Alimentos Delcasino products / Product development: Idea of new flavour or house sauce to be manufactured on a large scale / Product line: Purchase of Alimentos Delcasino portfolio.

We will send you an email with all the information you need to know to make a maquila with Alimentos Delcasino and a requirement form.

Our process

We are passionate about giving flavour to food, we are inspired by the market and its needs, here we tell you about our process.
We understand the needs
We talk about trends
We choose a way of working
We carry out taste tests
We bring taste experiences to your customers